disrupt 2

Design to disrupt 2 - New digital competition

DESIGN TO DISRUPT - New digital competition
Report 2 of 4

In this report we focus on new digital challengers and competitors.
Few established organizations wise up to them at an early stage, as they usually come from outside these organizations’ industries and are not taken seriously at first. Their allegedly inferior propositions confuse prominent players, who should in fact be the very first to be open to disruptive innovation. We outlined this innovator’s dilemma in our executive introduction to the Design to Disrupt theme.

The conclusion of this research report involves an appeal to the CIO and the IT department to use a Leading Digital approach to take the first step towards mapping out an offensive technological route. From strategic and tactical to the distinguishing operational level of APIs, which epitomize the digital business functionality.

published by Sogeti, pages 24
authors: Erik van Ommeren, Sander Duivestein, Jaap Bloem, Menno van Doorn, Thomas van Manen
publication year: 2015
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  • Sander Duivestein
    Sander Duivestein
    Trendwatcher at VINT
    +31 625 02 60 20
  • Jaap Bloem
    Jaap Bloem
    Research Director at VINT
    +31 622 90 18 41
  • Menno van Doorn
    Menno van Doorn
    Director of VINT
    +31 6 51 27 09 85
Sogeti Executive Summit Website

Im Oktober 2014 versammelten sich eine international zusammengesetzte Gruppe von CIOs, Führungskräften und weltweit renommierten Referenten in München, um den neuesten Stand zum "Design to Disrupt" zu diskutieren, wie Fortschritte in sozialen Medien, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud und intelligente "Dinge".

Die Sogeti Executive Summit Website gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über alle Inhalte dieser Konferenz.