reading book

The App Effect

Cover App EffectSoftware as a Gadget

The App Effect is a post-pc book about the effects caused by our new mobile information behavior. It became clear soon after the introduction of the iPhone that the information age had entered a whole new phase. The deciding factor is not just our newly acquired mobility. It has a great deal to do with the world falling head over heels for the allure of Software as a Gadget. This book provides a solid foundation for anyone wanting to orient themselves toward an app methodology.

Culture Clashes

The App Effect describes how social and economic factors lead to unavoidable digital culture clashes. These clashes all have the appearance of stimulating the eventual development of a new Digital Commons situation. In this situation, organizations will only be successful if they take seriously the empowerment of digital subcultures and countercultures.

A Media Revolution

The app effects that we describe accompany the noticeably accelerating pace that media revolutions always bring with them and the new power groups that can be formed by organizations across sectors. The effects also work hand in hand with the new opportunities to entice consumers anywhere and at any time.

Fundamental Questions

In addition, this book asks fundamental questions. Who is actually empowered? How will the brain be affected? And, what will be the outcome of the addictive behaviors and “sham” intelligence of the new information behavior in the coming decades?

Autoren: Andreas Sjöström, Sander Duivestein, Jaap Bloem
Erscheinungsjahr: 2012
ISBN: 978-90-75414-41-7

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