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Generative KI
Künstliche Intelligenz
April 18, 2022
Here’s the thing: Testing is not a much-loved topic in the SAP world. From our experience, there are many complaints. It’s too slow, too time-consuming, too old fashioned, to name just a few. On the other hand, testing is also often neglected or kept to a minimum by many organizations using SAP.
The outcome with respect to SAP Quality Assurance (QA) is two generic company types:
Both face multiple challenges:
But where to start?
Here comes the good news! At Sogeti, we have created an SAP-specific quality improvement assessment that supports both types of organization in improving the confidence in their process quality:
To embrace the many SAP-specific aspects, such as different processes, set-ups, tooling, and terminology, we have put our collective experience and knowledge of both SAP and test improvement (TPI NEXT®, Agile Quality Improvement Assessment) into a brand-new model to make it more applicable for today’s SAP users/ landscapes. Our SAP Quality Improvement Assessment covers the complete application landscape, including both SAP and non-SAP environments. The objective is to provide recommendations for gradual, controllable improvement steps that align with a company’s business goals and challenges.
Because it is our vision that quality improvement only has value if it contributes to business and/ or IT goals, we don’t believe in scoring lists or grading systems. Quality is not a game where you can accrue points. Quality improvement benefits from an intrinsic improvement need, quality mindset, and quality objectives, along with commitment and support from management.
That’s why we assess both at a performing level and at organizing level. It is also why one of the key areas that we look at is quality awareness.
Our SAP Quality Improvement Assessment involves in-depth interviews and documentation study, in which we analyze 6 key areas:
At its simplest, the objective is to ensure your testing is executed in the right way for your SAP landscape. The outcome?
Importantly, it will give you a better understanding of the correlation between test processes and adjacent business processes. And here, it’s all about the need for your business processes to function, no matter what IT changes have occurred around them.
To find out more about our SAP Quality Improvement Assessment, get in touch.
Sr SAP Test Manager, Sogeti
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